KEKAYAAN seseorang rakyat dilihat apabila memiliki harta atau perniagaan. Namun, jika faktor itu tidak dimiliki, bagaimana kayanya satu negara tidak akan menggambarkan kekayaan rakyatnya?
Keadaan ini yang berlaku di Sabah meskipun Sabah adalah pengeluar gas dan minyak, mempunyai perladangan sawit terluas di Malaysia, mempunyai ladang getah yang luas namun semua itu bukan milik rakyat akan tetapi oleh syarikat-syarikat besar.
Rakyat hanya boleh mendapat manfaat daripada sektor itu jika mereka menjadi pekerja.Jika tidak, kekayaan-kekayaan itubukanlah milik mereka sebaliknya syarikat-syarikat besar tersebut.
Kerajaan Sabah hanya mendapat cukai daripada hasil penjualan perladangan tersebut dan cukai itu tidaklah besar sangat apabila selepas dikumpulkan cuma hanya menyumbangkan kurang daripada RM1 bilion setahun.
Sementara hasil daripada minyak dan gas, Sabah hanya mendapat bayaran kurang daripada RM1 bilion setahun kerana sifat industri itu yang padat modal. Hasil operasi minyak dan gas di Sabah hanya memberi keuntungan kurang lebih RM3 bilion setahun dan keuntungan itulah yang dibahagi sama rata antara syarikat carigali, kerajaan Persekutuan dan negeri Sabah.
Pembangunan infrastruktur seperti jalan raya memerlukan kos yang tinggi. Oleh kerana pendapatan Sabah hanya berkisar pada angka RM4 bilion setahun, maka pembinaan infrastruktur terpaksa dilakukan secara berfasa. Keluasan negeri Sabah pula selain taburan penduduk yang tidak setempat merupakan penyumbang kepada persoalan, mengapa masih banyak jalan raya yang belum diaspal mengikut tahap piawaian yang sepatutnya.
Kenyataan bahawa kadar kemiskinan negara di mana 40 peratusdi Sabah adalah kurang tepat kerana kadar kemiskinan negara secara keseluruhan adalah 6 peratus atau 1.5 juta rakyat sedangkan kadar kemiskinan Sabah hanya 8.1 peratus daripada 3.2 juta penduduk atau 240 ribu orang penduduk atau 0.85 peratus daripada penduduk negara iaitu 16 peratus secara keseluruhan.
Secretary General of the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah says the Takfiri terrorists are a US-Zionist plot.
“We are witnessing a new Nakba,” Nasrallah said in a televised address on Saturday.
“The Nakba of the Takfiri militants was first brought to the region by the British Zionist project, now it is the American Takfiri Zionist project, and America is using this to weaken the Ummah and tear it apart and to seize control of its capabilities,” he added.
Every year on May 15, Palestinians all over the world hold demonstrations to commemorate Nakba Day, which marks the anniversary of the forcible eviction of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homeland by Israelis and the creation of the Israeli regime in 1948.
On May 15, 1948, Israeli forces displaced some 700,000 Palestinians, forcing them to flee to different neighboring countries. Israeli soldiers also wiped nearly 500 Palestinian villages and towns off the map, leaving an estimated total of 4.7 million Palestinian refugees and their descendants dreaming of an eventual return to their ancestral homeland more than six decades later.
Battle for Qalamoun
Nasrallah praised the “victory” in Qalamoun as a major achievement for Lebanon, Syria, and the entire region.
The battles there took place from "hilltop to hilltop and from valley to valley," he added.
Hezbollah, the Syrian army, and Syrian volunteer forces, as well as the locals in Qalamoun helped fighting the terrorists in the strategic area, he noted.
Referring to the major difficulties in the battle for Qalamoun, he said the high mountains and hills inside the area made the mop-up operation very difficult.
A total of around 300 square kilometers of the Syrian and Lebanese territory was retaken from the militants and some of their operation centers were also destroyed, Nasrallah added.
A handout picture released by the Hezbollah press office on May 16, 2015, shows a Hezbollah fighter firing towards areas controlled by militants on the Syrian side of the Qalamoun hills close to the Lebanese border. (AP Photo)
“The highest level of security was achieved for Syrian villages in Qalamoun and the same goes for Damascus-Homs road,” he said, adding; however, that as long as the militants are present in border areas, such as in Arsal outskirts and some parts of Qalamoun, there would be risks.
Nasrallah said Hezbollah fighters have cut off the supply lines of the militants from Lebanon to Syria.
He further described attempts by certain entities to pit Hezbollah against the Lebanese army as "foolish."
The secretary general also criticized some Arab media for waging what he referred to as psychological warfare against Hezbollah. He added the media has overplayed the number of Hezbollah’s casualties.
“There have been thirteen Hezbollah martyrs in the battle so far,” he stated.
Nasrallah also stressed that the media was trying to portray the Takfiri militants as revolutionaries while they are in fact terrorists.
Since the most recent Syria-Hezbollah joint operations about nearly two weeks ago, Nusra Front Takfiri militants had been using Qalamoun mountainous region for transferring weapons and reinforcements from Lebanon into Syria, where they have been engaged in terrorism operations against the government.
Failure after failure
Turning to Yemen, he called for the condemnation of the US-backed Saudi aggression against the impoverished country.
He said the Saudi military campaign has failed to achieve any of its goals, saying Riyadh has gained nothing but "failure after failure."
“This aggression won’t achieve its goals.... and it has failed in achieving its goals,” he said.
Saudi Arabia started its military aggression against Yemen on March 26 -- without a UN mandate -- in a bid to undermine the Houthi Ansarullah movement, which currently controls the capital, Sana’a, and other major provinces, and to restore power to fugitive former President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, who is a staunch ally of Riyadh.
Smoke rises from a house of former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh following a Saudi air strike, in the Yemeni capital Sana’a on May 10, 2015. (AP Photo)
World mum on rights violations in Bahrain
Touching upon the developments about the popular uprising in Bahrain, he slammed the violation of human rights in the Persian Gulf kingdom, saying that the people of Bahrain are facing torture and prison for their peaceful upraising.
“The situation in the prisons in Bahrain is very difficult, it’s not just against the most basic human rights and something awful is taking place... in light of international silence,” the secretary general added.
Scores of Bahrainis have been killed and hundreds of others injured and arrested in the ongoing crackdown on peaceful demonstrations.
Since mid-February 2011, thousands of anti-regime protesters have held numerous demonstrations on the streets of Bahrain, calling for the Al Khalifa family to relinquish power.
Power vacuum in Lebanon
On the future presidential election in Lebanon, Nasrallah said the power vacuum has reached a dangerous point, urging the Lebanese people not to pin their hopes on foreigners to make decisions for them in this regard.
“Take these matters very seriously, it’s very important and sensitive, discuss the ways out and raise solutions for the power vacuum,” he said.
The power vacuum is considered the longest since 1990, which marked the end of Lebanon's civil war.
In Lebanon’s power-sharing system, the president must be a Christian, the prime minister a Sunni Muslim and the parliament speaker a Shia Muslim. Any presidential candidate would have to receive the backing of the two main political blocs, the March 8 alliance and the rival March 14 alliance, to win the necessary majority from the legislature’s 128 members.
Secara tiba-tiba syarikat ini menggemparkan arus media negara serta jadi perbualan hangat rakyat. Sebabnya 1MDB dikatakan telah banyak menggunakan wang yang hasilnya tak nampak.
Daripada wang berbilion itu digunakan tanpa memberi faedah kepada negara,
Adalah lebih berfaedah digunakan untuk tujuan berikut, sekurang-kurangnya bila rakyat berbelanja pun negara juga dapat hasilnya.
Tidak lah kerana kerajaan sibuk bayar hutang, kakitangan yang bergaji rendah dengan tekanan harga barang yang tinggi maka mereka juga jadi gelandangan...
Hampir atau tidak semua rakyat Malaysia tau akan kewujudan satu lagi agensi baru kerajaan di pintu masuk iaitu MAQIS. Bukan orang awam saja yang kurang mengenali agensi ini malah di kalangan kakitangan agensi awam yang lain. Termasuklah sebahagaian agensi lain dipintu masuk.
MAQIS adalah satu agensi baru penguatkuasaan kurantin di pintu masuk seluruh Semenanjung dan Labuan. Agensi ini ditubuhkan bagi menyatukan peranan agensi berlainan seperti JPV, Pertanian, Perikanan, Fama dan LKIM di pintu masuk. Dengan harapan memudahkan pengeksport dan pengimport berurusan hanya dengan satu agensi saja.
TEHRAN (FNA)- Both the Malaysian Defense Minister and Armed Forces commander categorically dismissed the Saudi media reports alleging that the Malaysian Armed Forces have joined the Riyadh-led coalition against Yemen.
Defence Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said Malaysian troops now in Saudi Arabia are there to help in evacuations, in reaction to a report in the Saudi Gazette that Malaysia was joining a coalition led by the Saudis in its offensive against Yemen.
The Saudi Gazette report, quoting the official Saudi Arabia state news agency, did not provide the number of Malaysian troops who had arrived in Riyadh or whether they were ground troops or air force personnel.
Hishammuddin, however, on Twitter last night said that the troops were only there to assist in humanitarian and evacuation missions, as there were still Malaysian students there.
Meanwhile, Armed Forces Chief General Tan Sri Zulkifeli Mohd Zin said the sole mission of the Malaysian troops in Saudi Arabia is to facilitate the safe and smooth evacuation of the remaining Malaysian citizens in Yemen.
"Two of our Royal Malaysian Air Force C-130 Transport Aircraft will be positioned at the Forward Operating Base (FOB) at Prince Sultan Air Base (PSAB) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
"The FOB has been established at the PSAB as a ‘firm ground’ before departing to the evacuation location.
"Subsequently, our Malaysian citizens will be evacuated and returned to the FOB for safe passage to Malaysia."
Saudi Arabia launched its bombing campaign against Yemen on March 26 in an attempt to restore power to fugitive President Mansour Hadi, a staunch ally of Riyadh.
Hadi stepped down in January and refused to reconsider the decision despite calls by Ansarullah revolutionaries of the Houthi movement.
Despite Riyadh's claims that it is bombing the positions of the Ansarullah fighters, Saudi warplanes are flattening residential areas and civilian infrastructures.
The Monarchy's attacks have so far claimed the lives of at least 3,623 civilians, mostly women and children.
TEHRAN (FNA)- Yemen's Ansarullah revolutionaries shot down a Moroccan F-16 warplane during a Saudi-led air raid on the province of Sa'ada on Monday.
Yemen’s al-Massirah television said Ansarullah revolutionaries shot down the warplane in the Noshour Valley in Sa’ada with an anti-air gun on Monday.
Reports also said that the downed fighter jet was flying at a low altitude.
Earlier, the Moroccan air force announced in a statement that an F-16 warplane taking part in the Saudi-led air raids on the impoverished country had gone missing
"One of the F-16s of the Royal Armed Force (FAR) that was sent to operate under the Saudi-led coalition went missing on Sunday at 6 pm local time," the statement cited by the Moroccan state news agency said.
"The pilot of a second jet in the same squadron could not see if the pilot had ejected," it said. An investigation is under way, it added.
Morocco has sent half a dozen F-16 warplanes to take part in the Saudi-led aggression against Yemen.
Saudi Arabia launched its bombing campaign against Yemen on March 26 in an attempt to restore power to fugitive President Mansour Hadi, a staunch ally of Riyadh.
Hadi stepped down in January and refused to reconsider the decision despite calls by Ansarullah revolutionaries of the Houthi movement.