Harimau Selatan bermula garang

Piala pertama JDT musim ini, setelah 29 tahun akhirnya piala sumbangsih milik JDT. Tahniah.

Kemarau Kejuaraan Berakhir

Dahagakan kejuaraan selama 23 tahun, pasukan bola sepak JDT akhirnya ditabalkan sebagai Juara Liga Super 2014. Tahniah TMJ dan JDT


Logo Malaysian Quarantine and Inspection Services, Jabatan baru dalam Kementerian Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani

Dua Tokoh Politik Negara Paling Berkarisma

Seorang telah pergi ke rahmatullah dan seorang lagi dikuarantin pengaruh politiknya.

Sultan Johor

Baginda bertitah GST tidak masuk akal


JDT menjadi pasukan bolasepak pertama dari Malaysia dan juga Asia Tenggara merangkul Piala AFC.


Setelah beria ia kembali pada pasukan JDT. Pemain tiada disiplin ini akhirnya belot terhadap pasukan JDT.

Kehilangan MH370 pesawat MAS

Dunia dikejutkan dengan kehilangan pesawat MH370 milik MAS pada 8hb Mac 2014. Pesawat yang menuju ke China tersebut membawa 239 penumpang.

Import Keempat Harapan JDT 2016

Pemain yang berasal daripada Argentina ini menjadi pertaruhan dan harapan JDT untuk perkuatkan pasukan.

Zika Virus

Tiba-tiba virus ini menular di seluruh dunia. Malah virus ini memberi kesan kepada bayi dalam kandungan.

Sabtu, 31 Januari 2015

Hukum ke atas orang hilang (al-mafqud) merujuk kepada kes MH370

Sejak 8 Mac 2014 yang lalu, negara kita hangat membahaskan isu kehilangan pesawat MH370 bersama 227 penumpang dan 12 anak kapal. Di kalangan penumpang dan anak kapal penerbangan tersebut, ada sebahagiannya beragama Islam yang mempunyai harta dan keluarga sendiri.

Maka dalam situasi ini, timbul persoalan di kalangan masyarakat mengenai status penumpang atau anak kapal tentang beberapa perkara seperti:

Adakah hilang itu dianggap sebagai mati dalam Islam? Apakah status perkahwinan mereka? Adakah boleh dilakukan solat jenazah ghaib ke atas mereka? Adakah harta mereka perlu dibahagikan kepada waris? Bilakah orang hilang ini akan diiktiraf mati? Dan pelbagai lagi persoalan lain.

Saya akan cuba menerangkan apakah yang dimaksudkan “orang hilang” dan implikasinya di dalam kefahaman Islam secara mudah difahami untuk bacaan masyarakat umum. Moga tulisan ringkas ini dapat memberi kefahaman serba sedikit dalam menilai isu yang sedang berlaku ini dari dimensi syarak.

“Orang yang hilang” menurut Islam

1. Di dalam Islam, perbincangan mengenai orang yang telah mati adalah sangat penting, kerana matinya seseorang itu akan memberi implikasi yang sangat besar seperti berkenaan status perkahwinannya, pembahagian hartanya, wasiatnya dan lain-lain.

Maka perbincangan mengenai orang yang hilang juga sama pentingnya, kerana situasi orang yang hilang ialah tidak diketahui mati atau hidup. Atas dasar itu, kesemua imam 4 mazhab dan ulamak-ulamak terdahulu telah meletakkan satu tajuk khusus di dalam fiqh yang membincangkan mengenai orang yang hilang yang disebut sebagai al-Mafqud.

2. Yusuf Ata Muhammad Hilwa telah menyatakan maksud al-Mafqud yang jamik manik(ringkas dan padat) dari segi istilah ialah apa yang disebut oleh Ibnu Maudud  iaitu :

“Orang yang telah hilang dari ahli keluarganya dan negaranya, ataupun menjadi tawanan kemudian tidak diketahui tempatnya dan situasinya samada dia masih hidup atau mati dan ianya berterusan untuk suatu tempoh.”

Berdasarkan takrif diatas, jelas akan penilaian akan al-Mafqud itu pada 3 perkara:

i)        Tidak diketahui tempatnya.
ii)       Tidak diketahui situasinya hidup atau mati.
iii)     Berlalu suatu tempoh zaman.

3. Kemudian di dalam perbincangan al-Mafqud, ulamak fiqh telah bersepakat (mahal ittifaq) bahawa :

i. Hukum ke atas orang yang berada dalam situasi al-Mafqud adalah diiktiraf sebagai orang yang masih hidup. Maka pasangannya akan kekal diiktiraf sebagai status berkahwin dengannya, hartanya tidak akan dibahagi dan tidak perlu dilakukan solat jenazah ghaib keatasnya kerana dia diiktiraf sebagai masih hidup walaupon mafqud (hilang).

Perkara ini selari berdasarkan kaedah fiqh :

الأصل بقاء ماكان على ماكان

Asal kekal sesuatu itu mengikut apa yang ada sebelumnya.

Dan juga kaedah fiqh:

اليقين لا يزال بالشك

Suatu yang telah diyakini, ianya tidak akan hilang dengan perkara yang syak.

Kerana pemilikan harta dan hubungan perkahwinan itu berlaku secara pasti (yakin), maka tidak boleh tidak hanya perkara pasti (yakin) sahaja yang boleh mengubah status asal perkara tersebut. Sedangkan orang yang hilang atau mafqud ialah berada dalam situasi tidak pasti (syak) iaitu tidak pasti dia hidup atau mati. Hukum diiktiraf sebagai orang yang masih hidup ini juga diistilahkan oleh Imam Maliki sebagai sinnu ta’mir (umur yang terus bertambah).

ii. Al-Mafqud boleh dinilai sebagai orang mati oleh hakim dengan dua cara, samada:

(a) Terdapat bukti terhadap kematian orang tersebut (bayyinah ala mautihi). Maka jika terdapat bukti yang sah disisi syarak akan kematiannya dan hakim iktiraf bukti tersebut, maka orang tersebut boleh distihar mati walaupon tempoh menunggu yang munasabah belum lagi sempurna.

(b) Berlalunya suatu tempoh menunggu yang munasabah bahawa orang tersebut telah mati. Maka apabila habis tempoh tersebut dalam keadaan tidak dijumpai sebarang bukti yang sah, hakim boleh mengiktirafkannya sebagai mati.

iii. Hanya hakim (qadhi) sahaja yang boleh menentukan seseorang itu mati samada dengan cara pembukt

Jumaat, 30 Januari 2015

Ringgit terus jatuh

Sejak tahun lepas, sehinggalah ke hari ini nilai ringgit terus lemah berbanding dolar Amerika.
Tidak hairanlah kerajaan terpaksa menilai semula kadar pertumbuhan ekonomi negara tahun ini.
Kejatuhan RM seiring dengan kejatuhan harga minyak mentah di pasaran antarabangsa di mana Malaysia sebagai pengeksport bersih minyak akan terkesan dengan penurunan harga minyak kerana pendapatan daripada hasil eksport minyak ke luar negara dan juga pendapatan melalui dividen, cukai dan royalti daripada syarikat minyak negara Petronas akan merosot seterusnya meningkatkan risiko sasaran defisit 3% berbanding KDNK tidak akan tercapai.
Sudah tentu yang akan terjejas ialah sandaran bon selain aktiviti import eksport negara. Akibat daripada sasaran defisit fiskal yang mungkin tersasar itu, pelabur mula menarik keluar modal pelaburan (portfolio) daripada pasaran modal Malaysia seperti pasaran saham dan bon.
Pelabur-pelabur asing mula menarik keluar pelaburan portfolio (saham, bon, matawang) dari Malaysia contohnya seperti yang dilaporkan MIDF Research menyebakan RM jatuh pada paras terendah sejak 2009 BERBANDING US Dollar.

Kesan penurunan nilai Ringgit juga agak ketara pada kuasa beli rakyat. Ini boleh menyebabkan sedikit penurunan permintaan domestik atau perbelanjaan (consumption) kerana barangan dan perkhidmatan tempatan dan juga yang diimport semakin mahal seterusnya menyumbang kepada kelembapan ekonomi.
Meskipun kejatuhan RM akan memberi kesan positif kepada eksport negara kita tetapi kesan penurunan RM kepada eksport hanya terhad kepada barangan atau produk yang sensitif kepada harga (price sensitive) seperti komoditi termasuk minyak mentah, minyak kelapa sawit, produk minyak sudah ditapis dan lain-lain.
Setakat ini RM yang jatuh tidaklah dikategorikan sebagai terlalu berlebihan sehingga akan menyebabkan krisis kewangan dan ekonomi pada akhir 90-an yang dahulu.
Seandainya keadaan ini terus berlarutan, saya tidak menolak andaian kerajaan mungkin ambil beberapa langkah drastik termasuklah fix kadar tukaran mata wang.

Rabu, 28 Januari 2015

Zeti on 1MDB missing repayment: No single entity's debt will affect system

PUTRAJAYA - Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) has given its assurance that no individual entity's debt will systemically affect the overall financial system and the economy of the country.
"We have arrangements to deal with it, so that no individual entity is going to have systemic implications on the overall financial system and on our economy. That's the basic principle that will prevail," BNM Governor Tan Sri Dr Zeti Akhtar Aziz told reporters after the signing ceremony between the Malaysian government and the World Bank Group to establish a knowledge and research office in Kuala Lumpur yesterday.
Replying to questions on 1Malaysia Development bhd, she said the central bank does not comment on individual entities.
"In the case of any extension being provided, that is not by BNM, it is by the lenders who are the commercial banks. They make those decisions," added Zeti, referring to the extensions of 1MDB's debt until end-January despite 1MDB missing the repayment of its RM2 billion loan twice that was originally due in end-November.
Meanwhile, she said the European Central Bank's (ECB) quantitative easing (QE) will have a positive impact if it provides stability to global financial markets and supports the recovery, growth and development in Europe.
"We've already experienced QE from the US. Most of us (emerging markets) demonstrated that our financial system has reached a maturity whereby we can ride out that kind of experience. I believe that in this case, we'll do the same."
On the ringgit hitting a six-year low, Zeti said: "We've seen these levels before. This reflects the events that are unfolding in the global environment and we believe it doesn't reflect our strong underline fundamentals. We believe when these events settle down and stabilise, the ringgit will trend towards reflecting our underline fundamentals."
Earlier, the government of Malaysia and the World Bank Group signed an agreement to establish a knowledge and research office in Kuala Lumpur.
The office will combine both operational expertise and research. It will facilitate the sharing of Malaysia's successful development experiences with countries around the world. It will also allow Malaysia to further leverage global knowledge and expertise from the World Bank.
Second Finance Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Mohamad Hanadzlah said Malaysia has achieved significant progress in reducing poverty, creating a business friendly environment, developing SMEs, ensuring financial stability and promoting Islamic finance, which will be some of the areas for knowledge sharing.
The office will also undertake research in key development areas as well as global indicators for the World Bank Doing Business report.
The World Bank Group office in Malaysia will be housed in Sasana Kijang, BNM's centre of excellence in knowledge and learning in central banking and financial services.

Full article: http://www.malaysia-chronicle.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=449502:zeti-on-1mdb-missing-repayment-no-single-entitys-debt-will-affect-system&Itemid=3#ixzz3Q4MIaY4n
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Sabah to scrap ‘lain lain’ in forms too

KOTA KINABALU: The state cabinet decided in a meeting held here yesterday to abolish 

the word ‘lain lain’ in the race column on government forms.

State Secretary, Tan Sri Sukarti Wakiman, in a statement issued yesterday, stated that the 

state cabinet had decided for all government forms to have the column for ‘Race’ to be left 

blank to be filled accordingly by the applicant.

“This way, the applicant can state their own race in the space provided in the form,” the 

statement read.

The state government will be preparing a list of all races or ethnic groups in Sabah to be 

presented to the National Registration Department for its reference when processing 

applications to register birth certificates and identification cards from Sabah.

Sabtu, 24 Januari 2015

A guide to 10 varieties of apples

Granny Smiths, Fujis and Royal Galas are readily available in supermarkets, but stores now stock many more apple varieties. Here is a round-up of recent discoveries.

Ambrosia: A Canadian apple with yellow and red skin. Juicy, with open-textured rather than dense flesh, but still crisp - almost like a water chestnut. A honeyed sweetness and short aftertaste. Chill it well before serving to highlight its cool, melon-like character.

Antares: A French apple streaked with red and gold. Crisp and tender, with a gentle acidity and subtle, slightly pear-like flavour, it suits both cooking and eating. The apple's taste weakens and texture softens as it ages, so use it promptly.

Candy: Not a confection but an apple bred principally for its small size. About 5 to 6cm across, it is very convenient for packed lunches and light snacking. Often descended from the Royal Gala, it looks and tastes very similar.

Envy: This apple from New Zealand is very hard, crisp and crunchy. It has dark wine-red skin and, to match, an intense, almost wine-like flavour at first bite. Best enjoyed on its own, so you can savour its unusual taste and finely balanced sweetness. Once exposed to air, its flesh turns brown much more slowly than most apples, so it can be cut ahead of time for lunchbox or picnic use.

Jazz: Also developed in New Zealand, it has dense and juicy flesh crisp and crunchy to the bite and a berry-like balance of sweetness and acidity. Lots of character, reminiscent of a good-humoured Granny Smith. Very good for eating it as is, in fruit salads or in recipes requiring little or brief cooking.

Kanzi: Developed in Belgium, it has a pretty skin marbled with pink and yellow and an appealing fragrance. Brightly tangy without being sharp, with a rounded sweetness. Best eaten au naturel and well chilled. 

Pacific Rose: This blocky-shaped apple has a beautiful deep-pink skin. Inside, the yellow-tinted flesh has a coarse, juicy texture and mild but well-balanced flavour. If you prefer less tart apples, you will like this one.

Queen: A fine-textured, very juicy apple from New Zealand. Not hugely sweet, but it has a light and lilting aroma with notes of pear and banana - it would work very well with those fruits in a mixed fruit salad. Best when slightly chilled.

Royal Beaut: This apple from South Africa is a variety of the Royal Gala, with a more intense dark red colour and often distinct stripes. Small and a touch more dense and fragrant than the Royal Gala, it is better for eating than cooking.

Smitten: A New Zealand hybrid of Gala, Braeburn and other apples, this has attractively speckled and striped skin. It has springy-crisp and juicy flesh, with a light, sweet flavour and short aftertaste. A great snacking apple which does not suit cooking.

Choosing and storing apples: Choose apples with a firm texture. Avoid those with soft spots and suspicious discolouration and check the stems and opposite ends for mould. Keep them in a brown paper bag or perforated plastic bag in the main compartment or vegetable drawer of the fridge. Wash them just before serving. If an apple has a mealy texture and bland flavour, it was probably stored for too long or at the wrong temperature.
Text and photos: Chris Tan
- See more at: http://www.straitstimes.com/lifestyle/food-wine/story/the-straits-times-archives-guide-10-varieties-apples-20150123#sthash.eVSSE6Dv.dpuf


The Listeria monocytogenes outbreak linked to caramel apples, which was first reported just before Christmas, turns out to have originated in the apples themselves, which were grown in central California and are now part of a widespread recall of the processor's Granny Smith and Galas.
The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)pinpointed the Bidart Bros. of Bakersfield's apple processing plant as the origin of the holiday time listeria outbreak, which killed three people and sickened 28 across 11 states. Most of the victims reportedly ate caramel apples produced with the tainted fruit by Happy Apple Company, California Snack Foods and Merb’s Candies (thus the original warning to avoid caramel apples, which was announced on December 22, 2014).
The findings at the Bidart Bros. plant spreads the net of recalls to all Gala and Granny Smith apples distributed by the company. Brand names include “Granny’s Best” and “Big B,” but the apples can be sold under other brand names or with no brand at all, which makes the whole thing pretty tricky.
So tricky that in early January,  Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines each banned imports of both kinds of apples coming from the U.S. supplier; it seems that Bidart Bros. not only shipped to at least to the 11 infected states and Canada, but overseas as well.
According to the company, no Granny Smith apples have been shipped from the plant since December 2, 2014, and most of the caramel apples sold by the various manufacturers had a best use date between August 15 and November 28, 2014. California chains that sold the products include Wal-Mart and Safeway; consumers affected by the illness are currently suing both companies (along with Bidart and Happy Apple).
No lists of retailers who sold the apples in California are available from either the FDA or Bidart Bros. Instead, the FDA advises consumers who have recently bought Granny Smith or Gala apples to “ask their retailers if the apples were supplied by Bidart Bros.”
Or take our advice and just toss out any of those apples still hanging around in your refrigerator, since symptoms of listeriosis are fever, chills and muscle aches, sometimes preceded by diarrhea or other gastrointestinal symptoms, and can appear from a few days up to a few weeks after consumption of the contaminated food – and can kill you. Why risk it?
ByJenny Peters -LAWEEKLY-