Harimau Selatan bermula garang
Piala pertama JDT musim ini, setelah 29 tahun akhirnya piala sumbangsih milik JDT. Tahniah.
Kemarau Kejuaraan Berakhir
Dahagakan kejuaraan selama 23 tahun, pasukan bola sepak JDT akhirnya ditabalkan sebagai Juara Liga Super 2014. Tahniah TMJ dan JDT
Logo Malaysian Quarantine and Inspection Services, Jabatan baru dalam Kementerian Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani
Dua Tokoh Politik Negara Paling Berkarisma
Seorang telah pergi ke rahmatullah dan seorang lagi dikuarantin pengaruh politiknya.
Sultan Johor
Baginda bertitah GST tidak masuk akal
JDT menjadi pasukan bolasepak pertama dari Malaysia dan juga Asia Tenggara merangkul Piala AFC.
Setelah beria ia kembali pada pasukan JDT. Pemain tiada disiplin ini akhirnya belot terhadap pasukan JDT.
Kehilangan MH370 pesawat MAS
Dunia dikejutkan dengan kehilangan pesawat MH370 milik MAS pada 8hb Mac 2014. Pesawat yang menuju ke China tersebut membawa 239 penumpang.
Import Keempat Harapan JDT 2016
Pemain yang berasal daripada Argentina ini menjadi pertaruhan dan harapan JDT untuk perkuatkan pasukan.
Zika Virus
Tiba-tiba virus ini menular di seluruh dunia. Malah virus ini memberi kesan kepada bayi dalam kandungan.
Jumaat, 29 Mac 2013
Why Banks Love Debit Cards Again
Khamis, 28 Mac 2013
10 Things About Nick D’Aloisio, Self-Taught App Developer and Teen Millionaire
If you didn’t know Nick D’Aloisio, he might seem like any other teen — he goes to school, has cool hair and contends with protective, yet proud parents. But he has become something of a legend lately, a bona fide geek idol for every youngster with digital dreams. The young Brit runs with celebrities. He appears all over television and the Internet. And he gets tech luminaries and venture capitalists to slobber all over themselves to wheel and deal with him.
- Nick was born in 1995 in London to Australian ex-pats.
- He got his first computer at age 9, and used that to make movies with programs like Final Cut Pro.
- A self-taught programmer, Nick learned how to code using “C for Dummies” and online videos. He created his first app in 2008 at age 12, and had to submit it under his father’s name, since he was four years too young to meet the App Store’s minimum age of 16. After that, he developed a new app every summer break until 2011, when the then-15-year-old developed Trimit, the forerunner to Summly.
Nick is the youngest entrepreneur who has ever scored VC funding, taking the title away from Kiip founder Brian Wong, who had nabbed it at age 21. He has struck deals for hundreds of thousands of dollars with the likes of Stephen Fry, Ashton Kutcher, Yoko Ono, Zynga founder Mark Pincus, billionaire Li Ka-Shing, and media magnate Rupert Murdoch.
- Trimit was renamed and relaunched in the Apple App Store in December 2011 as Summly. Just two years later, Yahoo! would pay $30 million dollars for it.
- He calls this whole endeavor “a hobby that’s gone crazy.” (Now that’s an understatement.)
- Many parents would have been proud of the teen, even before he reached tech superstardom. He’s an industrious student with an academic scholarship who’s finishing up his final year and a half at the prestigious King’s College School in Wimbledon.
- He is as much a modern design nerd as a tech geek. Just check out Summly’s page for proof: It features Arne Jacobsen’s landmark midcentury modern chair, The Egg.
- Fun fact: Nick is actually only one year younger than Yahoo! itself, which was incorporated in 1995, making it 18.
- Nick knows that his Yahoo!-Summly deal is one part of the company’s larger push for mobile, and stated as much in a letter to Summly users. The teen is a rather eloquent communicator, whose thoughtfully considered style suggests a wisdom and maturity that exceeds his years.
Nick has been on fire lately, and we wish him nothing but the best. He may be “just a kid,” but he exemplifies everything about the democratization of tech opportunities today and the immense potential for success for anyone who’s intelligent, creative and hard-working — no matter what the age.
British teen sells mobile news app to Yahoo for $30 million
Kenaikan Gred G17 dan J17 ke G29 dan J29 adakah pasti?
Tuesday March 19, 2013
80,000 technical and agricultural civil servants to get raise
Rabu, 27 Mac 2013
Tak sabar-sabar mengundi, undi saya rahsia...
Siapa tau apa ada dalam fikiran mereka berdua.................dalam politik dulu kawan, sekarang kononnya lawan, dulu lawan sekarang kawan..............
Ahad, 24 Mac 2013
New animal-to-human diseases likely to increase
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What is CITES?
Key facts
- Rabies occurs in more than 150 countries and territories.
- More than 55 000 people die of rabies every year mostly in Asia and Africa.
- 40% of people who are bitten by suspect rabid animals are children under 15 years of age.
- Dogs are the source of the vast majority of human rabies deaths.
- Wound cleansing and immunization within a few hours after contact with a suspect rabid animal can prevent the onset of rabies and death.
- Every year, more than 15 million people worldwide receive a post-exposure vaccination to prevent the disease– this is estimated to prevent hundreds of thousands of rabies deaths annually.
Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP)
- local treatment of the wound, initiated as soon as possible after exposure;
- a course of potent and effective rabies vaccine that meets WHO recommendations; and
- the administration of rabies immunoglobulin, if indicated.
Local treatment of the wound
Recommended PEP
Table: Categories of contact and recommended post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) | |||||
Categories of contact with suspect rabid animal | Post-exposure prophylaxis measures | ||||
Category I – touching or feeding animals, licks on intact skin | None | ||||
Category II – nibbling of uncovered skin, minor scratches or abrasions without bleeding | Immediate vaccination and local treatment of the wound | ||||
Category III – single or multiple transdermal bites or scratches, licks on broken skin; contamination of mucous membrane with saliva from licks, contacts with bats. | Immediate vaccination and administration of rabies immunoglobulin; local treatment of the wound |
- the biting mammal is a known rabies reservoir or vector species;
- the animal looks sick or has an abnormal behaviour;
- a wound or mucous membrane was contaminated by the animal’s saliva;
- the bite was unprovoked; and
- the animal has not been vaccinated.